Accessing CAI Facilities
EPR Spectroscopy
1. Starting your project
The Centre provides advice to get your project started. Projects can be conducted collaboratively or independently. The Centre will also provide the necessary MR safety training before your project starts.
Visit our instrument pages and identify the one/s you would like to book.
Contact the EPR Facility management to discuss your project requirements.
2. Application Forms
Complete the Instrument Project Application form and return it to the EPR Facility management
We will then contact you to let you know when you can begin the project.
4. User Fees
For UQ Internal Users: view our fees online (access restricted).
For External Users, please contact the EPR Facility management.
Human Imaging
1. Starting your project:
Projects can commence on the scanners after submission of an application which is then reviewed by the MRI Scientific Committee.
CAI is able to provide advice to get your project started. Projects can be conducted collaboratively or independently. The Centre will also provide the necessary MR safety training before your project starts.
Visit our instrument pages and identify the one/s you would like to book.
Contact the human imaging Facility Manager to discuss your project requirements.
2. Application form
Complete the CAI Imaging Project Application Form and return to
3. Imaging Technical Committee
All projects must be presented to the MRI Scientific Committee before commencing. When you present to the committee, you will be asked to give a brief (5 min) overview of your project. The committee will then discuss the project with you and provide relevant feedback or advice, as necessary, on scientific aspects of the project and best use of the MRI facilities and techniques available.
Meeting Dates:
The Imaging Technical Committee meets on the first Tuesday of every month. Project Assessment forms must be received at least 7 days in advance.
4. User Fees
- For UQ Internal Users: view our fees online (access restricted).
- For External Users, please contact the Facility Manager to organise a quote or discuss special arrangements.
NMR Spectroscopy facilities
The NMR spectroscopy facility includes a solid and three liquid state NMR spectrometers. The Centre provides advice to get your project started. Projects can be conducted collaboratively or independently. The Centre will also provide the necessary NMR safety training before independent access to the facility is permitted.
NMR Room Induction and Training
Visit our facility page and identify the one/s you would like to access. The CAI High Resolution NMR Spectroscopy facility has three liquid state NMRs (500, 700 and 900 MHz) and one solid state NMR (300 MHz).
To register for NMR room induction and training, there are three steps required:
- Complete a CAI general induction. Please fill out the form here and you will be guided through the process.
If you have already completed this step, go to Step 2.
- After obtaining a CAI intranet logon (from completing the form linked above), please select the facility from the intranet page.
Click "Apply for access to this facility" and finally click "Arrange the required facility orientation". The applicant must read the SOP's and risk assessment for the selected facility and book a local induction time (via CAI intranet).
- Contact the NMR facility manager ( to discuss your project requirements and help setting up the project in the on-line booking system.
Setup and Booking the NMR Spectrometers for UQ Researchers
- The budget holder must be in our booking system for before you login for the first time since you will need to join a “lab” in the registration process. Please confirm with facility manager before logging on for the first time.
- To login to our on-line booking system use your UQ username and password. There is a wizard to guide you through the registration process on first login.
- You will need to be a member of a project, if your project does not exist it will need to be created. The facility manager can help setup the project if necessary.
- Financial approval from the budget holder and finance delegate for your school, centre or institute for the user fees will be required (signed RISQ form).
- The amount on the RISQ form will not be invoiced immediately but the user fees will be invoiced monthly on actual time used. When the agreed amount is used the instruments will be able to be booked until another RISQ form has been approved.
- Once all the above steps have been completed, the user can book time and can move or cancel bookings in advance of the start time.
Booking the NMR Spectrometers for Researchers outside UQ
- Please contact facility manager to discuss access.
User Fees ($/hours)
For External Users, please contact the NMR Facility Manager.
QNN access, please contact
Radiochemistry and Molecular Imaging Facilities
1. Starting your project:
Projects can commence after submission of an application which is then reviewed by the Molecular Imaging Scientific Committee.
CAI is able to provide advice to get your project started. Projects can be conducted collaboratively or independently. The Centre will also provide the necessary safety training before your project starts.
Visit our instrument pages and identify the one/s you would like to book.
Contact the relevant Facility Manager to discuss your project requirements.
2. Application form
Complete the CAI Molecular Imaging Project Assessment Form and return the forms to the relevant facility manager.
3. Molecular Imaging Scientific Committee
All projects must be presented to the Molecular Imaging Scientific Committee before commencing. Facility managers will assess the project and provide relevant feedback or advice, as necessary, on scientific aspects of the project to ensure the experimental design is optimal and ensure the facility is able to fully support the research. .
Meeting Dates:
The Molecular Imaging Scientific Committee meets on the first Monday of every month. Project Assessment forms must be received at least 7 days in advance.
4. User Fees
- For UQ Internal Users: view our fees online
- For External Users, please contact the Molecular Imaging Facility Manager or the Radiochemistry Facility Manager to organise a quote or discuss special arrangements.
Small Animal Imaging Facilities
1. Starting your project:
Projects can commence on the scanners after submission of an application which is then reviewed by the small animal imaging committee.
CAI is able to provide advice to get your project started. Projects can be conducted collaboratively or independently. The Centre will also provide the necessary safety training before your project starts.
Visit our instrument pages and identify the one/s you would like to book.
Contact the relevant Facility Manager to discuss your project requirements.
2. Application form
Complete the CAI Molecular Imaging Project Assessment Form and return to
3. Animal Imaging Committee
All projects must be discussed with the relevant Facility Manager before an application is submitted. All applications must be submitted by the 1st Thursday of the month to ensure inclusion in that months meeting. The committee will then discuss the project and provide relevant feedback or advice, as necessary, on scientific aspects of the project and the best use of the MRI facilities and techniques available.
Meeting Dates
The Animal Imaging Scientific Committee meets on the second Thursday of every month. Applications must be submitted at least 7 days prior to the meeting (by the 1st Thursday of the month).
4. User Fees
- For UQ Internal Users: view our fees online (access restricted).
- For External Users, please contact Dr Nyoman Kurniawan or Dr Gary Cowin to organise a quote or discuss special arrangements.