It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend the inaugural China-CSIRO-Queensland Workshop on Advanced Materials (CCQ WAM).
The workshop, to be held at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology on the campus of theUniversity of Queensland on 18-19th July 2016, recognises existing deep levels of collaboration between leading Chinese researchers and CSIRO, UQ and QUT. Furthermore during the two day program we will examine the potential for broadening the collaborative opportunities to include our leading scientific colleagues and emerging scientific talent. We see this especially as an important opportunity for students to be exposed to leading scientific developments. You are very welcome to participate in this important event.
As we all recognise, broad scientific collaboration is essential when tackling the grand scientific challenges of our time. The 2016 CCQ WAM will encourage discussion on key issues facing our societies, identify scientific partners with the aim of creating critical research mass addressing these issues, and explore mechanisms for creating long-term and meaningful collaboration between China and Australia. Accordingly, the broad theme of the workshop is “Materials Advancing Humankind”.
A program of presentations over two days is being developed, and will published on this web site in the near future.
We look forward to welcoming you to the AIBN in mid-July.