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We are pleased to present Dr. Bin Luo to speak on Functional Materials for Next Generation Battery Technologies

Where: AIBN Level 1 Seminar room or online via zoom:

When: 16th March 2023

Time: 11am-12pm


Ever-growing energy needs and depleting fossil-fuel resources demand the pursuit of sustainable energy alternatives and energy storage technologies. From mobile electronics, electric vehicles to the power grid, the needs for energy storage materials and devices with long cycling stability, high-energy density or high-power density continue to grow. For a sustainable future in energy storage technology, alternative battery chemistries, such as those based on the chemistry of multivalent elements (i.e., S, Al, Zn, Fe, Mg, Ca), have received significant interest over the years due to the relatively high abundance of these elements and potential high capacities. However, the complexity of multivalent electrochemistry has led to many confusions and technical challenges. In this talk, I will give a few examples of functional materials design to realize such battery technologies with competitive performance. Specially, I will focus on developing carbon based functional materials for next generation battery technologies, such as Li-S batteries and Al batteries. Other research programs in Luo group including industry collaborations on redox flow batteries and solar batteries will also be introduced briefly.


Dr Bin Luo is currently an ARC Future Fellow & Group Leader in Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) at the University of Queensland (UQ). He received his doctoral degree in Physical Chemistry from National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) in July 2013. In August 2014, Dr Luo joined UQ as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in AIBN. He then secured highly competitive UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2015-2018), ARC DECRA Fellowship (2018-2021), and ARC Future Fellowship (2021-2025). Dr Luo has contributed four edited book chapters, more than 120 journal publications, has filed 14 patents, and delivered over 30 keynote/invited presentations. His research has attracted >10k citations with an H-index of 51 (Google Scholar). Dr Luo has received >4.5 M AUD$ research funding including seven ARC grants as Lead/Chief Investigator, three UQ research grants/awards and more than ten beamline grants from the Australian Synchrotron. He is serving as the Editorial Board/Young Advisory Board member of international journals including EcoMat, eScience, and Catalysts.

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