We are pleased to present Dr. Lena Oestrich to speak on the topic: 

Rethinking Mental Illness: Insights from Brain Injury, the Power of Big Data, and the Renaissance of Psychedelic Therapy

When: Thursday 22nd February 2024

Where: AIBN level 1 Seminar room or online via zoom. Click here to join

Time: 11am-12pm


Decades of research have underscored the inherent heterogeneity characteristic of mental illness. This complexity poses significant challenges to the identification of biomarkers and the advancement of early, personalized therapeutic interventions. I will present a series of studies, which use innovative approaches aimed at improving our understanding of neuro-mechanistic underpinnings of mental illness, particularly depression. Specifically, I will discuss (1) the effects of ischemic stroke lesions on the brain associated with the development of depression (2) how big data provides better-powered studies and multimodal data required to unravel the complex nature of mental illness, and (3) the promising potential of psychedelic-assisted therapy to provide curative treatments for mental illness.


I am a Group Leader at the Centre for Advanced imaging (CAI) within the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology, at the University of Queensland. My primary research interest lies at the intersection of clinical neuroimaging and computational neuroscience. I am particularly interested in studying mental illness using big data and advanced, multimodal neuroimaging methods. More recently, one of my research areas focuses on the neural mechanisms underpinning psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, to improve our understanding of their profound potential to offer rapid and long-lasting relief from severe psychiatric symptoms.


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AIBN Level 1 Seminar room or online via zoom https://uqz.zoom.us/j/85650479925