
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a powerful vibrational spectroscopy technique that allows for highly sensitive structural detection of low concentrations of analytes. The principle of SERS is a result of the amplification of electromagnetic fields generated by the excitation of localized surface plasmon around the metallic nanoparticles. SERS is a powerful tool that has found a wide variety of applications in polymer and materials science, catalysis, electrochemistry and more recently, biosciences. In this seminar, the fundamentals and applications of SERS will be discussed, while highlighting the translational application of SERS as an innovative analytical/sensor platform for epigenetic and protein biomarkers detection. 

Short bio

Dr. Yuling Wang is currently an ARC DECRA Fellow and Associate Group Leader at Prof. Matt Trau Group in AIBN. She completed her PhD degree at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009. After graduation, she completed a postdoctoral position in Purdue University, at the Bindely Bioscience Center where she focused on Nanobiotechnology, after which she was awarded a prestigious Alexander von Humboldt fellowship (AvH) and worked at University of Osnabrücker in Germany for 2 years. She then moved to the University of Duisburg-Essen where she won the individual grant from German Research Foundation (DFG) to pursue multiplexed detection of cytokines with plasmonic nanostructures. Eventually, she moved to AIBN on the ARC DECRA fellowship, working on the topic of rational design and synthesis of multifunctional nanostructures for point-of-care diagnosis. 

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