Matthew Thurston specializes in computational magnetic resonance imaging for clinical application.

After receiving his Master's of Science in Neuroimaging and Informatics from the University of Southern California in 2020, Matt worked for a few years as an imaging science contractor. This included work in modeling perfusion defects in pulmonary MRI at the National Institutes of Health for patients with COVID-19, as well as modeling brain MRI BOLD time-series changes at the University of Utah in patients with alcohol use disorder. Now at UQ, Matt is engaged in a PhD project that is focused on modeling brain MRI disconnectomes in victims of stroke for means of clinical outcome prediction.

Key Publications

Thurston, M.D., Ericksen, L.C., Jacobson, M.M., Bustamante, A., Koppelmans, V., Mickey, B.J. & Love, T.M. (2024). Oxytocin differentially modulates reward system responses to social and non-social incentives. Psychopharmacology. doi: 10.1007/s00213-024-06695-6

Campbell-Washburn, A.E., Kanth, S.M., Huapaya, J.A., Thurston, M.D., Mancini, C., O’Brien, K.J., Potersnak, A., Wang, H., Regenold, D., Baute, S., Chem., M.Y., Javed, A., & Suffredini, A.F. (2023, June). Quantitative pulmonary perfusion in patients with COVID-19 using dynamic contrast enhanced MRI at 0.55T. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, CA. One-speaker paper.

Thurston, M.D., Javed A., Kanth, S.M., Huapaya, J.A., Mancini, C., O’Brien, K.J., Potersnak, A., Wang, H., Regenold, D., Baute, S., Chen, M.Y., Suffredini, A.F., & Campbell-Washburn, A.E. (2023, Feb.) Automated strategies to derive regional perfusion defects from dynamic contrast enhanced pulmonary MRI in patients with COVID-19 infection. International Workshop on Pulmonary Imaging, Philadelphia, PA, USA. One-speaker paper.

Goldin, P.R., Thurston, M.D., Moodie, C., Dixon, M.L., Heimberg, R.G., & Gross, J.J. (2021) Cognitive behavioral therapy versus mindfulness meditation related brain changes in reappraisal and acceptance for social anxiety disorder: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry. Advanced online publication. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.1862

Thurston, M.D., Goldin, P.R., Heimberg R., & Gross, J.J. (2017) Self-Views in social anxiety disorder: The impact of CBT versus MBSR. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 47, 83-90.doi: