Meihua specialises in nanomedicine and biotechonology.

Meihua is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology. Her research focuses on developing targeted drug and gene delivery using various nanotechnologies, with a particular emphasis on brain disease theranostics such as glioblastoma and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 

She has two main research interests: 

(1)   Developing nanomedicines for penetrating the blood-brain barrier. 

(2)   Engineering polymerized nanomedicines for gene delivery (e.g., mRNA, antisense oligonucleotides) to human induced pluripotent cells (iPSC). 

Meihua is committed to supporting students and early- to mid-career academics. She is an active member of various academic communities, including the Monash University Postgraduate Association, Toastmaster Club, Early-Mid Career Researcher Committee, and the Sun Yat-Sen University Student Union.

Key Publications

  1. Meihua Luo. Nicolas H. Voelcker, et al. Delivering the promises of gene therapy with nanomedicines in treating central nervous system diseases. Adv. Science. 2022, 9(26), 2201740.  
  2. Meihua Luo, Yuanchen Li, Bo Peng, Jacinta White, Ermei Mäkilä, Wing Yin Tong, Chung Hang Jonathan Choi, Bryan Day, Nicolas H. Volecker. A multi-funcitonal porous silicon nanocarrier for glioblastoma treatment. Mol. Pharm. 2022, 20, 1, 545-560.
  3. Meihua Luo, Guido Lewik, Wing Yin Tong, Nicolas H. Voelcker. Systematic evaluation of transferrin-modified porous silicon nanoparticles for targeted-delivery of doxorubicin to glioblastoma, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11 (37), 33637-33649. 
  4. Sana Sheykhzadeh, Meihua Luo, Nicolas H. Voelcker, Wing Yin Tong, Transferrin-targeted porous silicon nanoparticles reduce glioblastoma cell migration across tight extracellular space. Sci. Rep. 2020, 10(1).  Equal contribution.
  5. Youssef Abdalla; Meihua Luo; Ermei Mäkilä; Bryan Day; Nicolas Voelcker; Wing Yin Tong. Effectiveness of porous silicon nanoparticle treatment at inhibiting the migration of a heterogeneous glioma cell population. J. Nanobiotechnology. 2021. 19(1).