Abishek research primarily focus on studying the immune response induced by radioistopes to optimize treatment strategies.
Having completed my Master's in Biomedical Engineering, I initially focused on polymeric gel for tissue engineering applications. However, my passion for the emerging field of radiopharmaceuticals led me to pursue a PhD under the guidance of Prof Kristofer Thurecht at AIBN/CAI. In my current research, I am exploring the abscopal effect in mouse models using alpha and beta particles.
Key Publications
Supramolecular Hydrogels Based on Poly (ethylene glycol)-Poly (lactic acid) Block Copolymer Micelles and α-Cyclodextrin for Potential Injectable Drug Delivery System
Amphiphilic core-shell nanoparticles: Synthesis, biophysical properties, and applications
Porous Chitosan Microspheres as Microcarriers for 3D Cell Culture
Nanocellulose hyperfine network achieves sustained release of berberine hydrochloride solubilized with β-cyclodextrin for potential anti-infection oral administration
Hydrogel-based bioinks for 3D bioprinting articular cartilage: A comprehensive review with focus on mechanical reinforcement