Robert combines the development of novel molecular tools and microfabrication to model cell behaviours in complex tissue environments.

Robert combines innovative molecular tools with advanced microscopy to develop preclinical models that model the complex dimensionality of tissue environments. Robert's goal is to understand kinetics across scales to understand how cells tune biological responses to drive processes such as migration, proliferation, and cell death. Through this research, he aims develop better cancer therapeutics to improve cancer treatment outcomes.

Key Publications

Compression-dependent microtubule reinforcement enables cells to navigate confined environments RJ. Ju, AD Falconer, CJ Schmidt, MA Enriquez Martinez, KM Dean, RP Fiolka et al., BioRxiv 2023 (Accepted Nature Cell Biology 2024)

The role of melanoma cell-stroma interaction in cell motility, invasion, and metastasis, RJ Ju, SJ Stehbens, NK Haass Frontiers in Medicine 2018

FGFR2-activating mutations disrupt cell polarity to potentiate migration and invasion in endometrial cancer cell models SJ Stehbens*, RJ Ju*, MN Adams, SR Perry, NK Haass, DM Bryant, ... Journal of Cell Science 2018 *Equal contribution

Patient-derived xenograft models capture genomic heterogeneity in endometrial cancer VF Bonazzi, O Kondrashova, D Smith, K Nones, AT Sengal, R Ju, al., Genome Medicine 2022

Persister state-directed transitioning and vulnerability in melanoma H Chauvistré, B Shannan, SM Daignault-Mill, RJ Ju, D Picard, ... Nature communications 2022