Alastair Snell specialises in computational neuroscience, in particular MR image processing for visualisation of small brain lesions.

Alastair Snell holds a BSc in Mathematics from Durham University and an MSc in Industrial Mathematical Modelling from Loughborough University. Alastair is focused on developing a software tool for the visualization of small brain lesions. He is currently undertaking a PhD in this area, creating and validating a software tool that will significantly impact the neuroradiological diagnostic field, particularly in relation to focal epilepsy.



Alastair regularly collaborates with the Neuroradiology department at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH), with one of his associate supervisors being a member of the department. He is aiming to aid the detection and visualization of focal epilepsy lesions.


ARC CIBIT PhD Scholarship 2023-2027