Professor Thomas Davis

Polymerisation kinetics, nanostructured films, nanoparticles, protein conjugates, nanoparticle enhanced bio-imaging, gene delivery and targeted therapeutics
Professor Tom Davis is a Chief Investigator and Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Convergent Bio-nano Science and Technology (CBNS). Tom is a leading polymer scientist/nanotechnologist with an extensive publication history in polymer chemistry and kinetics. Tom's scientific contributions have embraced polymerisation kinetics, nanostructured films, nanoparticles, protein conjugates, nanoparticle enhanced bio-imaging, gene delivery and targeted therapeutics. He has held three senior ARC Fellowships: an Australian Professorial Fellowship, an Australian Federation Fellowship and a Laureate Fellowship. In 2017, Tom was one of 21 distinguished scientists elected as a Fellow of The Australian National Academy of Science. Recently, Tom’s contribution as a world-class researcher was captured in Highly Cited Researchers 2018 – the list recognises researchers for their exceptional research performance, demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in Web of Science.
Key Publications
Overcoming Surfactant-Induced Morphology Instability of Noncrosslinked Diblock Copolymer Nano-Objects Obtained by RAFT Emulsion Polymerization Truong N.P., Zhang C., Nguyen T.A.H., Anastasaki A., Schulze M.W., Quinn J.F., Whittaker A.K., Hawker C.J., Whittaker M.R., Davis T.P.
Nano-assemblies of cationic mPEG brush block copolymers with gadolinium polyoxotungstate [Gd(W5O18)2]9- form stable, high relaxivity MRI contrast agents Ly J., Li Y., Vu M.N., Moffat B.A., Jack K.S., Quinn J.F., Whittaker M.R., Davis T.P.
Elucidating the Influences of Size, Surface Chemistry, and Dynamic Flow on Cellular Association of Nanoparticles Made by Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly Khor S.Y., Vu M.N., Pilkington E.H., Johnston A.P.R., Whittaker M.R., Quinn J.F., Truong N.P., Davis T.P.
Profiling the Serum Protein Corona of Fibrillar Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide Pilkington E.H., Gustafsson O.J.R., Xing Y., Hernandez-Fernaud J., Zampronio C., Kakinen A., Faridi A., Ding F., Wilson P., Ke P.C., Davis T.P.
Minimum information reporting in bio–nano experimental literature Faria M., Björnmalm M., Thurecht K.J., Kent S.J., Parton R.G., Kavallaris M., Johnston A.P.R., Gooding J.J., Corrie S.R., Boyd B.J., Thordarson P., Whittaker A.K., Stevens M.M., Prestidge C.A., Porter C.J.H., Parak W.J., Davis T.P., Crampin E.J., Caruso F.
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Seawater-degradable Plastics | 2023–2025 |