Feifei Liu

Development of architectural polymers for drug delivery in nanomedicine.
Feifei was awarded a CIBIT scholarship for her PhD. Her research aim is to evaluate targeted delivery of novel immune-boosting peptides to both tumour and immune cells using designed nanomedicines as a method to effect enhanced suppression of lung cancer. Feifei completed her Master degree in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at University of Sydney in 2011, followed by 6 years working experiences in Pharmaceutical industry.
PhD project is collaborated with industry parter InterK Peptide Therapeutics.
Research assistant in preclinical research in industry collaberated projects at Centre for Advenced Imaging (CAI).
Inter-K Peptide Therapeutics is a preclinical biotechnology SME based in Sydney that was established 12 years ago to develop peptide-based immunotherapeutic agents for the treatment of major global diseases such as cancer.
This research was funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council (project number IC170100035), and was conducted by the Australian Research Council Training Centre for Innovation in Biomedical Imaging Technology (project number IC170100035) and funded by the Australian Government.
Key Publications
Mills, J. A.; Liu, F.; Jarrett, T. R.; Fletcher, N. L.; Thurecht, K. J., Nanoparticle based medicines: approaches for evading and manipulating the mononuclear phagocyte system and potential for clinical translation. Biomater Sci 2022