Radiochemistry and Cyclotron at CAI

The CAI houses an on-site cyclotron and state-of-the-art radiochemistry facilities. The IBA 18/18MeV cyclotron is capable of accelerating negative ions H- up to 18 MeV with two internal proton sources and eight independent exit and extraction ports. Eight targets are able to be simultaneously mounted on the cyclotron for radioisotope production and research activities.

The facility cyclotron is capable of making a wide range of radioisotopes including carbon-11, fluorine-18, copper-64 and iodine-124. In addition to these isotopes, the facility is able to handle isotopes including gallium-68, zirconium-89, technetium-99m and lutetium-177. 

Generated radioisotopes are delivered to a suite of hot cells suitable for purification, manipulation, research synthesis and dispensing. The radio-analytical laboratory for the quality control of radiolabelled compounds includes high-pressure liquid chromatography, thin-layer chromatography and gas chromatography systems.

With access to 14 hot cells and four fume hoods, the facility provides a unique environment for performing novel drug discovery, preclinical research and translation of tracers to human imaging.

For more information, please contact the Facility Manager.
