Chemical capture: Remediating contamination with new materials

AIBN researchers are developing new, cost effective technologies to remediate and protect even the most remote sites and waterways that have been contaminated by the family of ‘forever chemicals’ known as perfluorinated compounds (PFAS). 

Our scientists work hand in hand with industry and government to design functional and reusable materials that vastly improve on conventional methods to capture and destroy these long lasting PFAS, with one product working in under a minute.

This technology makes use of magnets and reusable sorption aids to rapidly concentrate and capture PFAS from contaminated water sources, improving on existing machine based methods that are unsuitable for removing PFAS in isolated or off grid communities.

Other projects are exploring how captured PFAS chemicals might even be repurposed as next generation fluorinated components for energy storage devices, including batteries, and as biopolymers for use as molecular imaging agents.

By bridging the gap between fundamental research and practical applications, our researchers and industry partners are able to break new ground in fluoropolymer chemistry while delivering commercially viable products that will ultimately protect the health of Australia’s natural environment and people. 

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