Designed Nanomaterials: Nanostructured materials for advancing technology

AIBN researchers are working with international colleagues to advance the design and synthesis of nanomaterials critical to the next generation of renewable energy, environmental, and biomedical technologies. 

Operating under the Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology (ERATO) program, our scientists collaborate with partners from Nagoya University, Waseda University, the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) to craft and produce innovative ‘inorganic nanosolids’ - unprecedented nanospace materials with distinctive conductive characteristics.

By precisely controlling the assembly, arrangement, and interactions of nanoscale components, the ERATO Materials Space-Tectonics Project aims to unlock a new generation of consumer electronics, photonics, energy conversion and storage devices, sensing technologies, and medical applications. 

The highly conductive, second-generation porous materials at the centre of this ERATO reflect the increasing demand for sustainable energy storage and conversion technologies such as fuel cells, water splitting, and secondary battery electrodes – all technologies that rely heavily on catalyst or electrode materials that are currently limited in performance.

The main target of the ERATO is to establish a platform for the synthesis of ‘second-generation porous materials’ with significant potential for the further development in electrodes, electrocatalysts, and optical and electronic sensors.

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