Rangika specialises in molecular dynamics simulations of polymers and biological systems
Rangika Munaweera completed his Bachelor's degree at University of Kelaniya and persued a Master's degree in Chemistry at the University of Illinois in Chicago. His research mainly focuses on computational chemistry and molecular dynamics simulations, particularly in polymers and biological systems. During his Master's he worked with Prof. Ying S. Hu's group gaining expertise in modelling and simulating antibody-antigen interactions to engineer antigen binding specificity and affinities. Additionally, he also has experience in fluorescence imaging and super-resolution imaging of immune cells.
Key Publications
Perera, T., Gunasekara Kalu Arachchige, H., Munaweera, R. and Hu, Y., 2022. Single-molecule interaction microscopy revealed pH dependent behavior of monoclonal HA antibody. Biophysical Journal, 121(3), pp.409a-410a.
Saed, B., Munaweera, R., O'Neill, W. and Hu, Y., 2022. Using statistical discrimination to distinguish between fluorescence images of T cell receptors immobilized on different surface conditions. Biophysical Journal, 121(3), p.530a.
Gunasekara, H., Munaweera, R. and Hu, Y., 2021. Chaotropic Perturbation of Noncovalent Interactions of the Hemagglutinin Tag Monoclonal Antibody Fragment Enables Superresolution Molecular Census. ACS Nano, 16(1), pp.129-139.
Saed, B., Munaweera, R., Anderson, J., O’Neill, W. and Hu, Y., 2021. Rapid statistical discrimination of fluorescence images of T cell receptors on immobilizing surfaces with different coating conditions. Scientific Reports, 11(1).
Munaweera, R. and Hu, Y., 2021. Computational Characterizations of the Interactions Between the Pontacyl Violet 6R and Exoribonuclease as a Potential Drug Target Against SARS-CoV-2. Frontiers in Chemistry, 8.