Dr Stefan E Sonderegger

Mag Dr Stefan Sonderegger specialises in cancer biology and drug development, harnessing the innate immune system to target cancer
Mag Dr Stefan Sonderegger completed his studies of Genetics and Microbiology in 2004 at the University of Vienna (Austria). His master studies at the Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL) focused on epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) during cancer metastasis and resulted in the identification of the EMT inducing transcription factor ZEB1 (deltaEF1). During his PhD studies from 2005 to 2009 in the laboratory of Professor Dr Martin Knofler at the Medical University of Vienna, he examined the role of Wnt signalling in human trophoblast invasion.
In 2010 he came to Australia to work at the Prince Henry’s Institute of Medical Research, deciphering the role of interleukins in early human placentation. In early 2012 Mag Dr Stefan Sonderegger changed his research topic from reproduction to stem cells and haematological malignancies and started as a research fellow at the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases. Here, he studied the role of Prmt5 in hematopoietic stem cells in mice under the supervision of Professor David Curtis. His past research focused on myeloproliferative neoplasms, in particular on the role of PRMT5 on erythroid development. To date Mag Dr Stefan Sonderegger has published 27 peer reviewed articles with a combined 2423 citations. His h-index is 17.
Merck & Co., Inc. 2000 Galloping Hill Road, Kenilworth, New Jersey, USA 07033
Cancer Therapeutics CRC | CTx CRC Ltd 305 Grattan Street | Melbourne VIC 3000 | Australia
Key Publications
Eger A, Aigner K, Sonderegger S, Dampier B, Oehler S, Schreiber M, Berx G, Cano A, Beug H, Foisner R. DeltaEF1 is a transcriptional repressor of E-cadherin and regulates epithelial plasticity in breast cancer cells. Oncogene. 2005 Mar 31;24(14):2375-85.
Sonderegger S Pollheimer J and Köfler M. Wnt signalling in implantation, decidualisation and placental differentiation-review. Placenta.2010 Oct;31(10):839-47
Tremblay CS, Brown FC, Collett M, Saw J, Chiu SK, Sonderegger SE, Lucas SE, Alserihi R, Chau N, Toribio ML, McCormack MP, Chircop M, Robinson PJ, Jane SM, Curtis DJ. Loss-of-function mutations of Dynamin 2 promote T-ALL by enhancing IL-7 signalling. Leukemia. 2016 Oct;30(10)
Goossens S, Peirs S, Van Loocke W, Wang J, Takawy M, Matthijssens F, Sonderegger SE, Haigh K, Nguyen T, Vandamme N, Costa M, Carmichael C, Van Nieuwerburgh F, Deforce D, Kleifeld O, Curtis DJ, Berx G, Van Vlierberghe P, Haigh JJ., Oncogenic ZEB2 activation drives sensitivity toward KDM1A inhibition in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood, 2017 Feb 23, 129 (8), 981-990
SK Chiu, J Saw, Y Huang, SE Sonderegger, NC Wong, DR Powell, D Beck, JE Pimanda, CS Tremblay, DJ Curtis. A novel role for Lyl1 in primitive erythropoiesis. Development. 2018 Sep 5.
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How does the innate immune system regulate the anti-tumour response? |