Dr Yusuf Valentino Kaneti

Dr Yusuf Valentino Kaneti specialises in the design and self-assembly of novel porous nanomaterials toward energy storage and conversion and sensing applications.
Dr Yusuf Valentino Kaneti focuses on the design and engineering of novel functional nanoporous materials for renewable energy conversion, sensing, and bio-related applications. In particular, he is interested in the development of conductive two-dimensional (2D) metal-organic frameworks and mesoporous materials and has demonstrated the novel self-assembly of inorganic 1D nanomaterials into 2D sheet-like structures using template-assisted approaches for energy storage and conversion devices. He has also conducted several theoretical studies using density functional theory (DFT) simulations to understand the sensing mechanisms of metal oxide nanomaterials for detect.
Dr Kaneti received his PhD degree in 2014 from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia. After that, he joined the Monash University as a part-time postdoctoral fellow with the Laboratory of Simulation and Modeling of Particulate Systems (SIMPAS). In December 2015, he was awarded the Endeavour Australia Fellowship and participated in a four-month research exchange at the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University (China) between February-July 2016 and worked on the development of anode materials for sodium-ion batteries using metal-organic framework-derived composites. In September 2016, he joined the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), specifically at the International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA) as a Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellow. His JSPS research focuses on the fabrication of metal-organic frameworks and mesoporous materials for energy and environmental applications. In October 2018, Dr Kaneti was awarded the MANA Research Fellowship and worked at the Nanotubes group in NIMS with research projects focusing on the self-assembly of 1D nanomaterials into 2D nanostructures and vice versa for energy storage and conversion applications. Currently, he is working as an Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellow at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), The University of Queensland. To date, Dr Kaneti has published more than 100 papers in international refereed journals with >9,600 citations (h-index of 50), including 20 ESI Highly Cited Papers (Top 1% most cited papers worldwide) according to Web of Science (November 2022). As a result, he has been included in Top 2% most cited scientists across all fields by the Stanford University in terms of single year citation from 2019-2021 and awarded a Vebleo Fellow which recognises researcher who has prominence and leadership in the field of science, engineering, and technology. He is currently serving as an Editorial Board Member of three MDPI journals, namely Batteries, Gases, and Crystals as well as the Associate Editor for Frontiers in Nanomaterials. He also won some highly competitive Fellowships/awards, including JSPS Fellowship, Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Fellowship, MANA Fellowship, and Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowship.
Dr Kaneti has had extensive experience collaborating with industry partners throughout his career. He has attracted a total of ~$750,000 in industry funding. During his postdoc position in Japan, he collaborated with NBC Meshtec Inc. to develop novel low-temperature nanocatalysts for air cleaning filters. This collaboration led to the development of a mesoporous iron oxide catalyst with the ability to fully remove toxic carbon monoxide gas (100% conversion efficiency) at room temperature. The outcome has been featured by major Japanese media, such as NHK Japan (02/08/2018) and NIMS website (19/07/2018). Moreover, he has worked with the Japan Atomic Energy Agency and successfully developed mesoporous alumina-based adsorbents through template-free and biomolecule-assisted approaches which showed several times higher adsorption capacity than the current alumina adsorbent used for medical radioisotope production. Currently, he is collaborating with Southern Oil Refining (Australia) on one ARC LP and has successfully demonstrated conversion of red mud into an efficient catalyst for co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastics. Since 2021, he has established a collaboration with AI Fluidics Pty Ltd (Australia) to develop a point-of-care diagnostic device which combines a microfluidics device with a portable electrochemical biosensor for detecting COVID-19. This collaboration has led to the development of a highly sensitive mesoporous metal-based biosensor which can detect SARS-CoV2 microRNA with an outstanding limit of detection in the attomolar level.
Dr Kaneti has previously collaborated and published joint papers with many leading researchers from various institutions around the world, including National Insitute for Materials Science, Waseda University and Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan), Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia), National Taiwan University (Taiwan), Kyung-Hee University and Korean Institute of Advanced Science and Technology (Korea), Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (India), Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), University of Lyon (France), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, East China Normal University, Tsinghua University and Nanjing University of Science and Technology (China), and King Saud University (Saudi Arabia).
Dr Kaneti has a successful track record of winning competitive grants from a range of research funding schemes, securing ~$8.22M AUD in the last five years, including three ARC (2 LPs and 1 ARC Industry Hub) and one JST-ERATO grants as Chief Investigator [CI], one Advance Queensland as sole CI and two Australia-Japan Foundation Grants (funded by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade), one as lead CI and one as CI. He has also secured two competitive UQ research grants, including one UQ Global Seed Funding and UQ Grand Agriculture Seed Funding, both as the lead CI.
Key Publications
Y. V. Kaneti, J. Tang, R. R. Salunkhe, X. C. Jiang, A. B. Yu, K. C. W. Wu, Y. Yamauchi. Nanoarchitectured Design of Porous Materials and Nanocomposites from Metal-Organic Frameworks. Advanced Materials, 29, 1604898 (2017). (ESI Highly Cited Paper in Materials Science)
R. R. Salunkhe, Y. V. Kaneti, Y. Yamauchi. Metal-Organic Framework-Derived Nanoporous Metal Oxides toward Supercapacitor Applications: Progress and Prospects, ACS Nano, 11, 5293-5308 (2017). (†Equal first author; ESI Highly Cited Paper in Materials Science)
Y. V. Kaneti†, S. Dutta†, M. S. A. Hossain, M. J. A. Shiddiky, K. L. Tung, F. K. Shieh, C. K. Tsung, K. C. W. Wu, Y. Yamauchi. Strategies for Improving the Functionality of Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks: Tailoring Nanoarchitectures for Functional Applications, Advanced Materials, 29, 1700213 (2017). (ESI Highly Cited Paper in Materials Science)
N. L. W. Septiani†, Y. V. Kaneti†, K. B. Fathoni, J. Wang, Y. Ide, B. Yuliarto, H. K. Dipojono, A. Nanjundan, D. Golberg, Y. Bando, Y. Yamauchi. Self-Assembly of Nickel Phosphate-Based Nanotubes into Two-Dimensional Crumpled Sheet-Like Architectures for High-Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitors, Nano Energy, 67, 104270 (2020). (†Equal first author; ESI Highly Cited Paper in Materials Science)
W. Zhang, X. Jiang, X. Wang, Y. V. Kaneti, Y. Chen, J. Liu, J. S. Jiang, Y. Yamauchi, M. Hu. Spontaneous Weaving of Graphitic Carbon Networks Synthesized by Pyrolysis of ZIF-67 Crystals, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56, 8435-8440 (2017). (ESI Highly Cited Paper in Chemistry)