Breast cancer research at AIBN boosted by $35,000 cheque

12 Dec 2017

In early December the Centre for Personalised Nanomedicine at AIBN held an information evening on how breast cancer research in Queensland is making an impact. During the event So Brave founder, Rachelle Panitz, presented Professor Matt Trau with a $35,000 cheque to support research intro breast cancer.

The donation was made possible by the sale of the 2017 So Brave Calendars, which is raising awareness that young women under 40 get breast cancer too. 

So Brave is a Brisbane-Based charity foundation dedicated to research into breast cancer.  Their particular focus is on empowering young breast cancer survivors.  A key feature of the foundation is a highly artistic annual calendar which So Brave produced each year, to raise funding for the foundation’s aims of education, empowerment and cancer research.

The event included presentaions from a number of speakers giving a range of perspectives on breast cancer from reseachers to patient. As well as a panel discussion taking questions from the audience.

The donation will be used to fund much needed resources within the Trau group laboratory.

2018 So Brave Calendars are on sale now.
