By bringing together cutting-edge research from the fields of Nanotechnology, Molecular Biology, Clinical Research and Health Economics, the vision of the Centre for Personalised Nanomedicine (CPNM) is to become a knowledge leader as well as a catalyst for change in medical practice.
This Centre drives one the three themes of the AIBN and comprise of two components, NanoDiagnostics and NanoMedicine Delivery. The former is supported by CSIRO, with a CSIRO-UQ Chair in Personalised Nanodiagnostics and aims to develop and translate the next generation of real time ultra-sensitive biofluid diagnostics for early detection and personalised treatment. The second area, is in the study and development of novel nanomaterials for specific delivery of medicines and theragnostics, enabling precise personalised targeting of drug therapy. The Centres partners are also member of the ARC Center of Excellence, CBNS (Convergent for Bio-nano Science and Technology). By detecting earlier and having the molecular tool box to specifically deliver treatment, the AIBN CPNM, works closely with industry and clinicians being next technology to the patient by revolutionizing current medical practice.