Project summary

Neurones are particularly active cells that continuously send signals around the body; this large workload places a considerable metabolic load on the neurones. If the energy demands of the neurones are not met, they will ultimately falter, and die.

In this project, we are developing iPSC-derived neurones from MND and non-MND subjects to assess neuronal bioenergetics. Insights gained from these iPSC-derived neurones will allow us to determine the impact of neuronal bioenergetics on disease pathogenesis. Using these iPSC-derived neurones, we aim to develop a high-throughput platform that will allow us to screen potential therapeutic candidates in MND, with the view to prevent neuronal death and thus, halt or slow disease progression in MND.

We are also using iPSC-derived neurones and organoid models to decipher the molecular mechanisms that contribute to cell death. This includes the assessment of mitochondrial dynamics, and the use of RNA-sequencing technologies to identify gene signatures that can inform about disease processes.

Day 60 human iPSC-derived neurons express the postmitotic neuronal marker NeuN (red), and the neuronal mictrotubule marker βIII-tubulin (green).


Project members

Lead Investigator

A/Prof Shyuan Ngo

Group Leader
Ngo Group

Reserchers Involved

Dr Timothy Tracey

Casual Researcher
Ngo Group

Leanne Jiang

Research Officer
Ngo Group

Stephanie Howe

PhD student
Ngo Group

Dr Andrew P. Tosolini

Research Fellow
Ngo Group