The AIBN has a range of projects available in various impact areas.
After you have found a project you are interested in, contact the research Group Leader associated with the project with information about yourself, and why you'd be an ideal applicant.
Want to learn more about being a PhD student at the AIBN?
Bio-Inspired Materials: AgriWaste to EcoGain Innovations
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
High performance polymeric/hybrid materials
Next generation RNA vaccines and therapeutics
Polymer science expertise targeted at nanomedicine applications
Programmable Biomineral Composites for Precision Therapeutics and Sustainable Agriculture
Functional materials for electrochemical energy storage applications
Bioactive peptides as natural modulators of cellular receptors of importance in agriculture and medicine.
Designer polymers: Synthesis of complex polymer architectures
Research at the interface of chemistry, biology, physics and computer science
Designing and synthesising chelators and targeted radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis and treatment of disease
Advanced Functional Hybrids as Theranostics, Tissue Engineering and 3D Printed-Soft Robots
Synergy of material- and bio- sciences
Cytoskeleton and cell motility
Molecular imaging, polymer chemistry, multimodal imaging, theranostics, drug delivery
Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, Molecular diagnostics
Polymer chemistry, nanotechnology, photolithography, biomaterials science, magnetic resonance
Biomedical technologies and analytical systems for personalised medicine
Nanomedicine on the development of new strategies for the treatment of disease
Induced pluripotent stem cells, organoids, in vitro disease models, novel regenerative medicine approaches
Synthesis of advanced functional materials and their applications
Advancing (fluoro)polymer chemistry and its societal impact
AIBN offers Masters (by coursework) projects through enrolment in collaborating Schools at The University of Queensland. Summer and Winter research interns may have the opportunity to continue to pursue their projects into a Masters degree.
Available projects
- Associate Professor Idriss Blakey
- Professor Alan Rowan
- Professor Kris Thurecht
- Professor Esteban Marcellin
- Professor Andrew Whittaker
- Professor Ernst Wolvetang
- Professor Chengzhong (Michael) Yu
Or contact AIBN Researchers in your discipline of interest to discuss potential projects.
What to do
- Select the Masters project advisor name to download a PDF document with contact details and additional project information.
- Contact the project advisor directly to discuss the project and arrange a meeting or visit to the AIBN lab.
An Honours year is a chance for you to follow your passion by completing an independent research project under the guidance of an experienced researcher at the end of your undergraduate degree.
AIBN offers Honours projects through enrolment in collaborating Schools at The University of Queensland. Summer and Winter research interns can continue to pursue their projects into an Honours degree.
Take a look at the projects listed below or contact our researchers to talk about how we can develop an honours project with you.
Rowan Group
- Development of snake venom activated biomaterials to stop uncontrolled bleeding
- Differentiation of stem cells to repopulate bone forming and resorbing cell population
- Bone cell extracellular vesicles, natures ultimate nanoparticles driving cell signalling
- Osteocytes the master regulator of bone formation and the effect of major burns
- Guiding wound healing through biophysical control
- Collagen the founding matrix of our bodies but cellular production is not as simple as we might think.
- Unveil the drivers of vasculature regeneration during burns wound repair
- Get creative, make your own synthetic collagen III
Amiralian Group
- Nano-architectured Coatings for Zinc-plated Steel
- Enhancing Food Safety: Antimicrobial Cellulose Films for Active Packaging
- From Agriculture Waste to Nanoarchitectured MOF-based Catalyst
- Antimicrobial Nanocellulose: Exploring Akageneite Templating for Enhanced Pathogen Resistance
Bernhardt Group
- Transport in nanoporous systems
- Computational studies of ionic liquids
- Statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium fluids
- Quantum mechanics for the design of new materials
Blakey Group
Davis Group
- Development of future nanomedicines to inhibit pathological formation of amyloid plaques in amyloid disease
- Understanding the effect of gut-bacterial amyloids on amyloid plaques formation in Alzheimer’s disease
- Translocation of bacterial amyloids from gut to the brain and its implications in neurodegenerative disease
- Development of novel nanomedicines against bacterial amyloids
Ebert Group
Howard Group
Luo Group
- Functional materials for high performance Zinc-Bromine flow batteries
- Functional materials for Advanced Iron flow batteries
- Advanced electrode materials for Aluminium batteries
Mar Group
- Developing new bioinformatics methods for single cell RNA-sequencing data.
- Understanding ageing through genome-wide gene expression datasets
- Separating signal from noise - benchmarking bioinformatics methods to identify biology from big data!
- Characterizing variability of gene expression to find new regulators of human disease
- Investigating robustness in biological systems – viral infection, chemoresistance, and more!
Marcellin Group
- Engineering biology of yeast for the production of high-value aromatic compounds
- Metabolic dynamics of synthetic microbial communities
- Engineering modular light-driven yeast biohybrid platform
Mercer Group
Ngo Group
- Developing novel models for motor neuron disease
- Energy dynamics in health and disease, and preclinical validation of therapeutic compounds
O'Mara Group
- The impact of lipid modifications on cell membrane function
- Computational strategies for targeted lipid nanotechnologies
- Allosteric modulation of synaptic proteins by neurosteroids and oxysterols
- Membrane mediated antimicrobial resistance
Qiao Group
- Developing 3D/4D printing polymer/nanoparticle composites for soft robots
- Developing 3D-printed hydrogels for antibacterial
- Chemistry – Building nanoparticles tailored towards delivery of gene therapies.
- Chemistry – Building advanced nanoparticles for immunotherapies (CAR-T and CAR-natural killer).
- Biology – Cellular characterisations of nanoparticle-gene therapies for brain cancer
- Biology – Cellular characterisations of advanced nanoparticle-immunotherapies (CAR-T and CAR-natural killer) for brain cancer.
Schenk Group
- Production of vaccine adjuvants in genetically modified yeast
- Plastic waste to plastic value
- Brewing natural products with yeast
Thurecht Group
- Polymer Theranostics: Imaging a Treatment in vivo
- Development of novel radiopharmaceuticals
- Developing nanotechnology to explore the beneficial molecular mechanisms of exercise during cancer treatment
Trau Group
- Liquid biopsy approaches to improve treatment outcomes in brain cancer
- Engineering bionanoparticle systems for advanced therapeutic targeting
Wang Group
- Photoelectrode design for solar driven methane to methanol conversion
- Development of critical materials for high-energy-density, fast-chargeable, and long-endurance lithium-ion batteries
- Solar driven methane conversion for green methanol production
- Device architecture optimization for efficient tin halide perovskite solar cells
- Integrated solar to chemical production and membrane concentration system
- Surface ligand management of perovskite quantum dots for high-efficiency and stable large-area solar cells
Whittaker Group
- Novel Biologically-Responsive MRI Agents
- Understanding Effect of Architecture of Fluoropolymers on Their 19F MRI Properties
- Novel Hybrid Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications
- Nanofunctional Surfaces for Control of the Biological Interface
- Block Copolymers for Microelectronics
Wolfram Group
Wolvetang Group
- Identifying the chromosome 21 genes that drive accelerated ageing in Down syndrome stem cells
- Modelling novel childhood leukodystrophies
- Peroxisomes and Ataxia telangiectasia
- Novel Cas9-enabled genome manipulation technologies
- Decoding cortical dysplasia with brain organoids
- Human brain organoids for understanding how SPG56 mutations cause hereditary spastic paraplegia
Xu Group
- Engineering novel nanoplatform for oral vaccine delivery
- Development of thermo-responsive hydrogels for mucosal microbicide delivery to prevent HIV transmission
- Fluorescence bioassay and imaging of intracellular redox biomolecules using responsive nanoprobe
- Biopolymer nanocarriers for eco-sustainable crop protection
- Development of a novel nano-emulsion platform for natural plant extracts delivery
Yamauchi Group
- Precise Engineering of Mesoporous Metals for Electrochemical Sensing of Biomolecules
- Nanoarchitecturing of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Energy Storage Applications
Yu Group
- Developing nanostructured antimicrobial coating for biomedical devices
- Developing efficient nano-transfection agents for mRNA vaccine delivery
Zhang Group
What to do
- Select the Honours project advisor name to download a PDF document with contact details and additional project information.
- Contact the project advisor directly to discuss the project and arrange a meeting or visit to the AIBN lab.
For additional information about how to apply for PhD or MPhil in the AIBN please email the AIBN HDR office
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To apply to study at AIBN please follow the application process.
Student Enquiries
If you have general enquiries about studying at AIBN please contact our HDR team