Student Opportunities

The AIBN has a range of projects available in various impact areas.

After you have found a project you are interested in, contact the research Group Leader associated with the project with information about yourself, and why you'd be an ideal applicant.

Want to learn more about being a PhD student at the AIBN?

Click here

Polymer science expertise targeted at nanomedicine applications

Davis Group

Bioactive peptides as natural modulators of cellular receptors of importance in agriculture and medicine.

Mobli Group

Designing and synthesising chelators and targeted radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis and treatment of disease

Patterson Group

AIBN offers Masters (by coursework) projects through enrolment in collaborating Schools at The University of Queensland. Summer and Winter research interns may have the opportunity to continue to pursue their projects into a Masters degree.

    What to do

    1. Select the Masters project advisor name to download a PDF document with contact details and additional project information.
    2. Contact the project advisor directly to discuss the project and arrange a meeting or visit to the AIBN lab.

    An Honours year is a chance for you to follow your passion by completing an independent research project under the guidance of an experienced researcher at the end of your undergraduate degree. 

    AIBN offers Honours projects through enrolment in collaborating Schools at The University of Queensland. Summer and Winter research interns can continue to pursue their projects into an Honours degree. 

    Take a look at the projects listed below or contact our researchers to talk about how we can develop an honours project with you.

      Rowan Group

      Amiralian Group

      Bernhardt Group

      Blakey Group

      Davis Group

      Ebert Group

      Howard Group

      Luo Group

      Mar Group

      Marcellin Group

      Mercer Group

      Ngo Group

      O'Mara Group

      Qiao Group

      Schenk Group

      Thurecht Group

      Trau Group

      Wang Group

      Whittaker Group

      Wolfram Group

      Wolvetang Group

      Xu Group

      Yamauchi Group

      Yu Group

      Zhang Group

      What to do

      1. Select the Honours project advisor name to download a PDF document with contact details and additional project information.
      2. Contact the project advisor directly to discuss the project and arrange a meeting or visit to the AIBN lab.


      For additional information about how to apply for PhD or MPhil in the AIBN please email the AIBN HDR office

      Help find me a supervisor

      Would you like to study at the AIBN but need a little extra help connecting you to the right person? Fill out the form below.

      Click here



      To apply to study at AIBN please follow the application process.

      Student Enquiries

      If you have general enquiries about studying at AIBN please contact our HDR team